by Gastrocoach | Recipes, Beans, Vegetables, World Recipes
Green beans have a permanent place in healthy cuisine: they score points for their high content of valuable nutrients and are also easy and varied to prepare. Green beans are in season from June to October – now we enjoy them in salads, stews or as a side dish....
by Gastrocoach | Beans, Recipes, Soups
Our spicy vegetarian bean stew not only tastes good but also provides a lot of energy for the cold season. Beans provide more fibre than any other vegetable. A single portion of beans already accounts for 20% of the recommended daily fibre requirement. But beans can...
by Gastrocoach | Recipes, Beans, Soups
What is really typical Greek? I am asked that every now and then and I always owe the answer, because otherwise I would have to limit myself. My environment is always amazed at the typical Greek recipes that I present here in the blog and that they don’t...
by Gastrocoach | Recipes, Beans
Adzuki beans or also Azuki, Asuki or red soybeans are known above all from the Chinese, Korean and Japanese kitchen, enjoy however also here too long due to their various usability of a ever larger popularity. But what is behind these strange-sounding beans? Origin...