The Healthy Mushroom Soup for every season. Whether chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, mushrooms or oyster mushrooms – our local edible mushrooms have at least two things in common: they taste delicious and are very healthy!
Interesting fact about mushrooms:
Edible mushrooms are often underestimated and only consumed in small quantities. Hardly anyone knows that mushrooms, shiitake and oyster mushrooms have interesting healing effects. There are the special medicinal mushrooms, which mostly come from the Asian region and are taken as food supplements or medicines, such as the Cordyceps mushroom, which makes potent and powerful or the Reishi medicinal mushroom, which fights cancer, relieves pain in arthritis and detoxifies the liver.
Mushrooms are truly wondrous creatures, because they are mixed beings between plants and animals and form a completely independent realm among living beings. Although they are sedentary like plants, they breathe oxygen – like animals and humans – and feed on organic material (e.g. wood, insects). Furthermore, mushrooms have cell walls like plants. However, the cell walls of mushrooms do not consist of cellulose, but of chitin, such as the shell of insects.
Edible mushrooms in the world of cooking
Today around 100,000 species of fungi and mushrooms are known worldwide, but it is estimated that there could be more than five million. Each mushroom species has its own characteristic architecture. When the mushrooms shoot up from the ground, they appear self-confident – with umbrellas and hats. But what ends up in our cooking pots is only a tiny part of the actual mushroom.
Today, edible mushrooms also enjoy a high reputation all over the world and make an important contribution to healthy nutrition. The preparation methods are extremely varied: the mushrooms can be eaten raw, roasted, braised or cooked. In the kitchen, mushrooms are also marinated in oil or vinegar and ground into a powder. Dried mushrooms can also be used, but must be soaked before consumption or further processing.
Mushrooms provide valuable protein
Some mushrooms are very protein-rich in comparison to other vegetable species – above all the porcini mushroom with 5.5 percent protein. Mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and chanterelles still provide 2 to 3 percent, but are not richer in protein than spinach or broccoli.
Dietary fibre in mushrooms
Mushrooms contain many dietary fibre that support digestion, protect against intestinal cancer and reduce the risk of heart attacks. Although the German society for nutrition (DGE) recommends 30 gram dietary fibre per day, in the industrial countries on the average only 20 gram are eaten.
The fibre content depends on the type of mushroom. For example, 100 grams of fresh mushrooms contain around 2 grams, chanterelles 5.5 grams, porcini mushrooms 7 grams and truffles up to 16 grams of fibre. In comparison to it under the vegetable kinds the green peas rank among the leaders and contain about 5 gram ballast materials.
For this recipe you can use different kinds of mushrooms according to your taste. Try our recipe for the healthy mushroom soup today.
500 ml vegetable broth, clear, homemade
500 g mushrooms, fresh
1 large onion
1 bunch parsley
2 tbsp flour
2 egg yolks
250 ml whipped cream
salt and pepper
Chop the mushrooms into small pieces. Steam the chopped onion in butter, add the mushrooms, do not brown. Add 1 tbsp flour, salt and pepper. Add the broth and remove from the heat. Whisk 2 egg yolks with cream, stir in and finally sprinkle parsley over the soup. Let everything boil for 15 minutes.
Best served with baguette.
If you want to know more about mushrooms, have a look at 7 surprising health benefits of mushrooms.
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