Cider vinegar never goes out of fashion. On the contrary. There are more and more applications for its acidic freshness. Apple cider vinegar is an indispensable aid for diabetes. Apple cider vinegar also regulates high cholesterol levels. It also activates digestion, and losing weight without apple cider vinegar would be almost unthinkable today.
Apple Cider Vinegar for breakfast?
Apple Cider vinegar for a morning drink? Perhaps you are wondering who might be so crazy to drink vinegar in the morning – and then also on an empty stomach. But the apple vinegar drink in the morning is popular – not pure, of course, but diluted with water and – for all those who like it sweet – refined with a spoonful of honey. If, after reading this article, you finally become one of the great fans of apple vinegar, you will soon be able to tell yourself about the amazing effects of the refreshing apple vinegar drink on your well-being and your slim line!
Apple cider vinegar is made from apple wine
Apple cider vinegar is made from apple wine. Apple wine, on the other hand, is produced when freshly pressed apple juice is allowed to ferment. Yeasts convert the sugar of the apples into alcohol under exclusion of air. If this cider is now stored warm and open, so that acetic acid bacteria can feel comfortable in it, then they ferment the alcohol with the help of oxygen to acetic acid – a process that takes several weeks. But then it is ready: The apple vinegar – naturally cloudy and alive.
Apple cider vinegar and its healthy secrets
Apple cider vinegar works, no question. But why does it work? Of course it contains the vitamins and minerals of the apple, namely beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamins B and C as well as potassium, magnesium, iron and trace elements. But to enjoy them, you could also eat an apple or drink the freshly squeezed juice. Apple cider vinegar – Not only for losing weight but also a great choice for your health.
So is it possibly acetic acid that gives apple cider vinegar such a variety of effects? Or another acid in apple vinegar? An enzyme? Its liveliness? Unfortunately we do not know. This means that we know that the apple cider vinegar has an effect, but we do not know exactly how and why it does this. The physiologically active substances in apple cider vinegar have not yet been researched. How good it is that we don’t have to wait for science to use apple vinegar, but can enjoy it right here and now.
Apple cider vinegar activates digestion
Apple cider vinegar helps digestion first and foremost by stimulating the production of digestive juices, thus improving digestion. If, for example, you marinate some dishes – whether meat or vegetables – with an apple vinegar-oil-herb marinade, the dish will become more tender and much more digestible.
Heartburn often improves, and going to the toilet is no longer a long time in case of constipation. Especially the digestion of fats and carbohydrates is optimized by apple cider vinegar – which is why apple cider vinegar is said to lead to the rapid melting of excess pounds in numerous slimming diets and detoxification treatments as a so-called fat burner.
Apple cider vinegar – a fat burner?
However, the term “fat burner” is always somewhat misleading and usually nourishes the hope that after 30 days at the latest and of course without any change in diet with a crisp bikini figure to be able to show. The apple cider vinegar also manages this – at least with mice. If these mice received 0.51 ml cider vinegar per kilogram body weight, not only their appetite but also their weight gain was significantly reduced.
This highly desirable result may be due to the digestive effect of apple vinegar. Finally, better digestion is the prerequisite for optimal utilization of nutrients and, as a result, a more sustained feeling of satiation.
Apple cider vinegar against excessive hunger attacks
On the other hand, apple cider vinegar regulates the blood sugar level (see point “Apple cider vinegar against diabetes”), thus preventing blood sugar fluctuations and consequently also hypoglycaemic phases, which usually manifest themselves in the form of excessive hunger attacks. Hot hunger attacks are often responsible for 1. eating too fast, 2. eating the wrong food and 3. eating far too much. But all three points lead to overweight. If cider vinegar can fight the cause of hot hunger attacks – then give me the cider vinegar drink!
Apple cider vinegar supports fat reduction
A frequently high blood sugar level also all too often leads to a chronic insulin high. A high insulin level, however, literally inhibits the breakdown of fatty tissue – one remains well-balanced and does not lose a single gram despite a diet. As soon as an excessively high insulin level returns to normal, the cushions can finally melt again.
Apple cider vinegar fills you up
The above theses (better saturation and lower blood sugar and insulin levels due to apple vinegar) are supported by numerous studies, including a Swedish study in 2005, which showed that a meal containing apple vinegar not only provided a better feeling of saturation, but also significantly raised both blood sugar and insulin levels less than meals without apple vinegar.
A diet or detoxification cure is significantly enriched by the component apple cider vinegar and its success is more likely.
Apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar levels
With diabetes, the blood sugar level is naturally the focus of everyday life. As mentioned above, apple cider vinegar has a positive effect on blood sugar levels and can therefore be used sensibly in the event of a corresponding problem. In a study with type 2 diabetics or people who suffered from insulin resistance (early stage of diabetes), the effect of apple cider vinegar on the blood sugar level was tested.
The results of this study were published in the journal Diabetes Care in January 2004. It was interesting to note that although vinegar helped to reduce postprandial** blood sugar levels after highly glycemic* meals (e.g. mashed potatoes), there was no change after meals with a low glycemic index (e.g. wholemeal bread with salad). The effect of vinegar on diabetes or insulin resistance is therefore not a general lowering of blood sugar, but clearly a gentle regulating effect.
*High glycemic means that these foods (foods with a high glycemic index) increase the blood sugar level particularly quickly and strongly. This includes foods that contain a lot of sugar and starch.
**postprandial = after eating
Apple cider vinegar lowers long-term blood sugar
The apple cider vinegar has another sweet in stock for diabetics: it can also lower the HbA1c value. This value is regarded as a measure of the so-called long-term blood sugar and indicates the percentage of sugared haemoglobin molecules in the blood (haemoglobin = blood pigment). While the conventional measurement of blood sugar only shows the current glucose level of the blood, the HbA1c value shows the average blood sugar value of the last eight weeks.
It is therefore of no use here to insert two diet days before the medical blood sugar control, as the HbA1c value shows the nutritional sins of the last two months. The HbA1c value now should be at best – depending upon determination procedure – between 4 and 6 per cent. With diabetics however it lies usually far over 7 or 8 per cent, so that one of the usual Diabetiker goals represents the reduction of the HbA1c value.
Apple cider vinegar reduces the risk of diabetes-related diseases
A study carried out in 2007 showed that apple cider vinegar can play an active role in achieving this goal. Although the fasting blood sugar level did not change significantly in this study (which was carried out with rats), the HbA1c values in the diabetic group decreased significantly after four weeks of apple cider vinegar intake. In addition, the apple cider vinegar was able to lower the triglyceride level (blood fat level) and increase the HDL cholesterol level (good cholesterol) at the same time. The researchers concluded from their findings that apple cider vinegar is most likely of great value in controlling or preventing the typical side effects of diabetes.
Apple cider vinegar lowers cholesterol
In the above study we have already seen that cider vinegar can positively influence the blood lipid level of diabetics. But non-diabetics also benefit from the anti-cholesterol effect of apple cider vinegar. In this series of experiments, diabetes-free volunteers under the influence of apple vinegar not only experienced – as did the diabetic group – an increase in HDL cholesterol levels, but also a drop in LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol).
Anyone who has to struggle with high cholesterol or triglyceride levels should take advantage of the benefits of apple vinegar, especially as it is extremely easy to apply and does not cost much. Never forget, however, that a diet rich in vital substances at the same time without conventional ready-made products is basically recommendable and possibly creates the healthy basis for apple cider vinegar to work even better – at all levels.
Apple cider vinegar – the quality
Your cider vinegar should of course not consist of a mixture of juice concentrate and cheap vinegar.
Your cider vinegar should be made from whole apples – and not just from shells and cores.
Your cider vinegar should come from organic apples grown in the region.
Their cider vinegar should actually come from apples and not from a fruit mixture, which would then be called fruit vinegar.
Your apple vinegar should be unheated, i.e. not pasteurized. Only an unpasteurized apple vinegar provides you with the desired active enzymes.
Your cider vinegar should not be filtered, i.e. naturally cloudy. The sometimes somewhat unaesthetic sediments or floating threads in the naturally cloudy apple vinegar come from the vinegar mother. This is an accumulation of acetic acid bacteria, minerals, vital substances and enzymes. The remains of the vinegar mother may not always appeal to our eyes, but they are a sign of quality.
Apple cider vinegar – Not only for losing weight it has so many health benefits.
As you know now, Apple cider vinegar – Not only for losing weight. If you want to know more about spinach, have a look at the 14 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Could Benefit Your Health.
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